An American Story, “Wetherbee”

By Charles Wetherbee, violin 1

** Warning - Spoilers **

Thanks so much for your interest in an American Story. Here are the facts, as best I know them, about the American Story that involves my ancestry, the Wetherbees. I will try to stick only to verified facts, though sometimes one has to use the imagination slightly when information is lacking.

** Warning - Spoilers **

John Wetherbee was born in the town of Wetherby, England in 1742. The family were mainly famers and herders, and possibly horse breeders - the Wetherbee coat of arms, below, is decorated prominently with three rams. The Wetherbee name has undergone many variants of spelling, and one encounters Weatherby, Weatherbee, Witherby and Wetherby, and others. First mention of the Wetherbee’s may originate in West Yorkshire in 1214 (Werreby) and in 1302 Wetherby. I don’t know the details of when John Wetherbee came to the colonies, but there is a record of his marriage to Mary Howe in Marlboro MA, August 1672.